
Friday, February 26, 2016

The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver

It was a peaceful (was it Saturday?) Night and the kids of the orphanage had just fallen after a day of ice cream, jungle gyms, and clowns... Anyways, there was something glowing from behind the blinds… was it a fairy?, was it a Frog? At was... The dream catcher!!!. He watched with interest in mid air on 2655 Kingsenton Avenue. He floated through the  window (one of his supernatural abilities from lying in waste for a week) and cracked his magic egg and spread it across the room, landing on stuff that mean dearly to each and every child, letting the magic begin...

Suddenly everything was alive!! (kind of). There were baseball players spitting, astronauts floating, ballerinas dancing race car drivers racing and jazz players jazzing. Then suddenly, the tables turned, one of these eggs fell onto a book about monsters!!! The shadow serpent himself rose in a wisp of darkness, floated through the space of the astronauts domain. It wrapped around him and pulled him through the pages into the land of death...

It was pretty sweet for the land of death. There were butterflies, cool trees with bunnies curling up besides them and everything. well , except for this big pyramid, AND the big giant lizard standing over him. He did what next to everybody would do. He ran. He ran so fast that the fastest guy in the world (Usain Bolt) would’ve been proud. He ended up at a cliff, he turned to run around but the lizard was in his way. Then suddenly, the Dream giver teleported into the world, his eggs at the ready. He threw them and they landed on a sapling, just underneath the lizard. The lizard would've probably laughed if he could. But then the tree grew around the monster, wrapping around them until it couldn’t move a muscle. The astronaut was saved.

The Dream Giver and the astronaut teleported back to the orphanage just in time for one before one of the orphans eyes opened. He turned over towards the window and saw… nothing. He turned again to sleep just as the Dream Givers head poked out from outside the window, before he flew into the night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bio Poems (ALL ABOUT ME)


Mongoose Presentation

At School we had to research an animal, write info on google docs (Updated version of Microsoft Word)
and present on a google slides with stuff to do with the animal.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.