
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sir Edmund Hillary

In class we had to learn about famous New Zealand people.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

My Axolotl Thinglink

This Is My Axolotl Report on an Axolotl. This includes it's Habitat, Appearance, Diet, Reproduction, And Behavior.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Axolotl Report


Axolotls are walking Mexican Fish. They are amphibians who spend their whole lives underwater.

An Axolotl is grey or White in colour with black eyes. The colour of an axolotl depends on the cells in its body. Axolotls can grow up to 30 centimetres in length and weigh between 60-227 grams. The axolotl can age but it remains in larva form for its entire life.

Axolotls are an endangered species and are rarely found in the wild. There are less than 1200 axolotls in Lake Xochimilco. Axolotls do not go through Neoteny( when a juvenile  turns into a adult) like most amphibians do.

Axolotl are carnivores.They eat mainly aquatic food as it lives in bodies of water most of its life. They have teeth that are used for gripping rather than biting, so they swallow their food whole instead of chewing first. Its diet can consist of mollusk, worms, insect larvae, crustaceans and small types of fish.

Axolotls live most of their lives underwater. Axolotls are next to completely aquatic creatures but have a rudimentary set of lungs, breath through gills and, to a lesser extent, it’s skin. They have the ability to heal and/or regenerate themselves from body mutilation. Wild Axolotls can live up to 15 years in the wilderness.

Axolotls are found mostly in large bodies of water (e.g Creeks, lakes, waterways) in Mexico city. They were native to Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco. Axolotls are rare and many scientist have tried to save both of these lakes. However the remaining waterways are likely to be threatened by the city’s continuing expansion.

Axolotls are endangered for now and are kept in captivity or sold as pets. They are trying to be kept alive before they go extinct

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Gollipolli War

  This is a poem about the war in Gollipolli and has been written for ANZAC day

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Hole in the Fence

Previously on Fences: I peeked through the same hole of the same fence of the same street to see what the neighbors were up to. I’ve been doing it for the last month to see what they were upto. There was always something happening but I could never figure out what. I daydreamed as I peeked through the hole.The man asked the wife “ You're stuck in a room with no doors, no windows and no secret entrances with only a mirror and a piece of wood. How do you get out???” “I don’t know. How?” “ You look in the mirror and see what you saw. You take the saw and cut the wood, you put it together and make a whole. You climb through and you’re out.” The man said. Why are you telling me this?” The lady asked.He pointed at me.”Just giving the Kid a hint for what’s about to happen” I heard footsteps but thought they were from over the fence. Suddenly a plastic bag was thrown roughly over my head And saw blackness. We got into a van that drove away Before blacking out.

--------------------------------------- Break Line ----------------------------------------------------

Time Warp To Present: Darkness. Why is it so dark? Did mom forget to pay the electricity bill??? I  groaned as I got up. I looked to the left and saw a mirror and a plank of wood. On the wood there was a note that read:
Dear Reader,
Hi. How You doing. Yea, you just woke up in my dungeon of Awesomeness and Tranquillity. To get out you MUST complete the test. So yeah. Try to get out. If you can :3 . BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anywayz , lol

The Riddler,                   
PS: I am NOT the Riddler from Batman.

“OKKKKKKKKKkkkkkkk……”  I sat for ages thinking of how to get out, not even bothering to move. I thought about those people and stared thoughtfully stared at the mirror. An Idea popped into my head. I looked around and picked up the The mirror to see if the riddle was true. I looked at my reflection, my face and my nose, a saw... I looked behind me and there was the saw. I grabbed the saw and looked around. I saw a pair of goggles and put them on. I picked up the piece of wood and cut open the wood. I put it back together annddd… nothing happened. I looked behind me and saw a hole on the wall. I face palmed myself for not noticing and looked through the hole. I saw…………………………  

(Voice of Priest) Nothing. A whole (pun intended) lotta nothing. And then in a flash of light another world shone upon himself And Life was Created  (stop) There was basically everything you could imagine. There were unicorns, leprechauns, birds, big cats, dinosaurs and other stuff . I stood there all day until darkness overcame me AGAIN.

EPILOGUE: I woke up on my bed In the middle of the night. I thought It was just a dream until I saw a note attached to the lamp on the bed cabinet. It Read:

Dear Reader,
You completed the test. finally . L.O.L it took you, what, an hour???
Anyways, Congrats, and Goodbye…….. For Now.

;) LOl,

The Riddler, Not from Batman

Friday, March 11, 2016

The boat challenge

We had a substitute teacher that gave us a boat challenge where we had to make a boat with limited resources and see if it could float on water


Testing for Writing

We had to write what we did on the holidays and to describe what happened.

TITLE: _Laughing Samoans_

1.Getting ready(Bath)
2.Driving to kerikeri
3.having Maccas
4.driving to the kerikeri falls
5.going to laughing Samoans/coming back

Laughing Samoans (Laughing emoji)
Trees. Bushes. A river. A bunch of meat ( I mean Cows). And a run down trail going to a run down house. That was the buses queue to stop. The doors opened up and we shifted through the lane and out the bus, onto the road. We turned to the house next door and trudged up the road.It was Me, Corey, and Jada. We got changed, got the bathing equipment, got into the car, turned the ignition, changed to 1st gear and pressed the gas petal. It burst down the road, doing snakeys, twisty and turnys, up and downies, to our swimming hole.

I can’t describe the swim itself  since it would take another paragraph or two (or four of five or eight). We got into the van. There was Me, Jada, Corey, His mum and dad, and his sister in law. We drove through Kawakawa, past Morewa and into Kerikeri. We went into McDonald for dinner and to get some food for the people at home. I got A Mac Attack with a large Coke. after, maybe 20 or 30 minutes, we headed over to see if it was ready and…… it wasn’t. So we headed over to the kerikeri falls. We stood on the docks and watched this guy jump of the docks repeatedly until we got bored. When we went over a SECOND time the show was FINALLY ready to begin.

They pretended to be News Reporters, little Kids, A husband and wife, an Aunt and niece, and the 3 goats that tried to get over a bridge (the baby, the gay guy and the big brother). When it finally finished, we drove home to go to sleep, play games, eat/ drink things and do other things people do on a Friday night.

Miss Baker
Lots of ideas and some detail and elaboration about these ideas. It is a shame you  didn’t talk about the swim as your story is missing a large chunk in the middle to tie it together.

Journey to TangiWai Venn Diagram

This relates the person I am reading for Reading and how we relate and how we don't.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Financial Literacy (Maths)

On Maths we've been learning on how to work with money so we can by Money Smart

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Room 6's Kawa of Care

we have been thinking about how to look after our chrome books because our parents paid money for them when they could've brought a bunch of sandwiches or something... 

so yeah, we made a list of different rules we had to set to make sure our chrome books don't get broken and how we can be responsible for our chrome books! (as written below)

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver

It was a peaceful (was it Saturday?) Night and the kids of the orphanage had just fallen after a day of ice cream, jungle gyms, and clowns... Anyways, there was something glowing from behind the blinds… was it a fairy?, was it a Frog? At was... The dream catcher!!!. He watched with interest in mid air on 2655 Kingsenton Avenue. He floated through the  window (one of his supernatural abilities from lying in waste for a week) and cracked his magic egg and spread it across the room, landing on stuff that mean dearly to each and every child, letting the magic begin...

Suddenly everything was alive!! (kind of). There were baseball players spitting, astronauts floating, ballerinas dancing race car drivers racing and jazz players jazzing. Then suddenly, the tables turned, one of these eggs fell onto a book about monsters!!! The shadow serpent himself rose in a wisp of darkness, floated through the space of the astronauts domain. It wrapped around him and pulled him through the pages into the land of death...

It was pretty sweet for the land of death. There were butterflies, cool trees with bunnies curling up besides them and everything. well , except for this big pyramid, AND the big giant lizard standing over him. He did what next to everybody would do. He ran. He ran so fast that the fastest guy in the world (Usain Bolt) would’ve been proud. He ended up at a cliff, he turned to run around but the lizard was in his way. Then suddenly, the Dream giver teleported into the world, his eggs at the ready. He threw them and they landed on a sapling, just underneath the lizard. The lizard would've probably laughed if he could. But then the tree grew around the monster, wrapping around them until it couldn’t move a muscle. The astronaut was saved.

The Dream Giver and the astronaut teleported back to the orphanage just in time for one before one of the orphans eyes opened. He turned over towards the window and saw… nothing. He turned again to sleep just as the Dream Givers head poked out from outside the window, before he flew into the night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bio Poems (ALL ABOUT ME)


Mongoose Presentation

At School we had to research an animal, write info on google docs (Updated version of Microsoft Word)
and present on a google slides with stuff to do with the animal.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.